Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Germinated Peas Report

Matt Munet P3 Data: Temp (0 DegreesTime (min)Reading at time xDifferenceReading at time xDifferenceCorrected differenceReading at time xDifferenceCorrected difference 0. 85x. 67xX. 86XX 5. 84. 01. 38. 29. 28. 84. 2. 01 10. 83. 02. 2. 477. 45. 84. 2. 01 15. 84. 01. 05. 622. 61. 84. 2. 01 20. 84. 01. 005. 665. 655. 84. 02. 01 Respiration in Beads, Germinating Peas, and Dry Peas Using Respirometers Beads Alone Germinating Peas Dry Peas and Beads Time Interval (min)Rates (ml of O2/min) -5. 056 5-10. 002 10-15. 054 15-20. 002 Rates of Germinated Peas Rates of Dry Peas Time interval (min)Rates (ml of O2/min) 0-5. 032 5-10. 002 10-15. 009 15-200 The Rate of Respiration in Germinated and Dry Peas Within Respirometers essay writer account II. Discussion: In the lab with germinated and dry peas along with glass beads, determining the rate of respiration in each different type of seed was the goal. The hypothesis stated that since the germinated peas were still alive, they would contain a highe r rate of respiration needed to remain healthy compared to the dried peas and glass beads.Time was our independent variable and amount of 02 consumed was the dependent. The different types of beads were separated into separate respirometers where the rate of respiration was taken as time went from 5 to 10 to 15 to 20 minutes. Dye was used to measure the reading of each test subject as time went on. The data does correspond to the hypothesis due to the fact that we see an increase in 02 consumed as time goes on in germinated peas. It is assumed that dry peas would have a lower need for 02 consumed compared to germinated peas and the data represents this statement.The glass beads which are the control would not have a need for 02 consumption because they are not alive. The corrected difference (02 consumption) for the dry peas stayed at . 01 02 consumed/sec whereas as the germinated peas rose in 02 consumption as time went. They went from . 28 to . 45 to . 61 to . 665 02 consumed/min. Germinated peas had a corrected difference increasing as time went on supporting the hypothesis in the end. I would accept my hypothesis because it is assumed that germinated peas need more 02 than dry peas.This hypothesis corresponds with the data collected from the lab. The rates for the germinated peas show that the respiration rate is steadily increasing over time where as the dry peas remain almost exactly the same. In all the data supports the hypothesis that germinated seeds contain a higher rate of respiration. No errors occurred but many were avoided. A misread from the respirometers could have messed up data collection and collected differences. In addition, trying to see the reading on the respirometer could have forced some dye to seep from the tip, causing a misread.

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